I did fairly well on the quiz. I appreciated  that the quiz was related to  Americans and statistical information about the developing world. I enjoyed that we learned about some United State statistics, along with a more global understanding of the developing world and environmental challenge that affects every individual.I learned that the life expectancy was very high in Japan of 84 years, where as Kenya a women’s life expectancy is 46. In addition, I was surprised that for a baby born in India, in 1881, the life expectancy was mere 25 years, but today it is 60 years. I still think that 60 years is very low life expectancy for individuals in India. I was also really surprised by the number of women 527,000 who died because of pregnancy and childbirth in developing world like Africa and Asia. I think that this is a serious issue.I think that there needs to be more education for developing worlds like contraceptives information, and how to take care of women who are baring children and what can be done to extend their lives.  More than a quarter of the world’s population(1.6 billon) are under the age 15. These children are living in a less developed country with a low life expectancy. Overall, I thought the quiz was very informative for any individual to learn more about developing countries .


9/29/2013 01:08:35 pm

I agree, Ashley. I liked the quiz. It was fun because it offered a good amount of new information that was related to the US. I was surprised at the number of woman that die during childbirth as well. I had a professor that traveled to Africa to give out birthing kits... Many of the deaths related to childbirth are due to using unsterile equipment! Thanks for sharing!

Katelyn Haubenstricker
9/30/2013 12:12:41 pm

Hi Ashley,

I think in developing countries not just more contraception education needs to be looked at but there needs to be more accessibility for the contraception as well. I believe that in developing countries items such as contraception are much less of a need because technically you can do without the contraception, it just is not safe. There are many things that people have to resort to using or lack there of in more poverty stricken areas and maybe contraception is one of them.

Michele Buchanan
10/1/2013 12:27:04 pm


These kinds of quizzes are fun, especially because they aren't graded. Too bad more quizzes aren't like that. Positive reinforcement learning is more appealing than negative reinforcement or the threat of poor grades! Anyway, I was also surprised at the large number of women throughout the world who die due to maternal issues. Sometimes is difficult to process how one area of the world can be so medically advanced while another area of the world, such as Africa, does not even have sterile equipment to use during childbirth, as Lisa talked about earlier. How can countries be so different?


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