I do not think I really encountered an A-ha moment ,but I think that I had a sense of "why is this my first online class?" I really enjoyed taking this class online. It was convenient, insightful, and I enjoyed reading the material assigned. At first I thought reading all this material would be difficult for me, but the books were beneficial and important for my career path. I loved reading The Giver because it allowed me to look at a different culture and society and how i would respond as a social worker .I want to continue reading the following books from Lois Lowry , i think there are two others following The Giver. In addition, I heard they are making The Giver into a movie that will be out next year. It will star Katie Holmes, Meryl Streep and Jeff bridges as the giver. One of the most shocking things I have learned was about was the statistics on older adults. As social workers, we need to be more aware and knowledgeable about certain issues that older adults face.  

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